Outside The Gate With Jesus

By David J. Stewart | October 2014 | Updated June 2018

2nd Timothy 4:3, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine;
but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.”

       Our text verse above from 2nd Timothy 4:3 includes apostate pastors who refuse to tolerate sound doctrine in their churches. Unbelievable? Believe it! It's happening. Our churches are selling out, adopting corrupt Bibles, shunning any doctrines that offend people (like Hell), et cetera. BEWARE OF THE MODERN BIBLE PERVERSIONS!!! Revelation 3:15-16, “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” God HATES middle-of-the-road, fence-straddling, lukewarm, bullcrap, never get bent-out-of-shape over anything, religiousness as a substitute for Christianity. I can't help but wonder if the following Bible verse is speaking about the average Independent Fundamental Baptist Church these days... Song of Solomon 6:11, “I went down into the garden of nuts to see the fruits of the valley, and to see whether the vine flourished, and the pomegranates budded.”

I was told tonight at the Harvest Baptist Church in Guam (in Micronesia) that I am no longer welcomed at my independent Fundamental Baptist church, because of the nature of the Christian books and sermons that I have been passing out in the church to help others. Obviously, they're only fundamental in name, not practice. The truth is that they have become new-evangelical. I have a desire to do more than just fill 18-inches of pew three time a week, but to do as much as I can, as often as I can, when I can, where I can, any way I can, to get the truth into people's hands to help them grow in the Lord. I am contending for the Christian faith (Jude 1:3).

The pastors told me to stop passing out sermons and books by Dr. Hyles, Dr. Younce and Dr. Lacy or else they would ask me to leave. I told them that as a preacher they had forced me to make a decision that I didn't want to make, rather than sinfully compromise the truth. Wild horses couldn't have dragged me away from my church, because I love them; but when they put Dr. Hyles on the chopping block and label him as a cult, and forbid me from sharing the truth with others because they willfully reject the truth themselves, choosing rather to follow mainstream apostate evangelicalism in America, then by conviction I have to stand for God (especially since the issue is over the integrity of the Word of God).

It is a crying shame that when someone like me (who is excited about spreading the truth) is scolded and hindered by a professed Independent Fundamental Baptist church from doing so. Go figure! I prayerfully know that they will weep bitter tears in eternity at The Judgment Seat of Christ. The truth is important, so important that it should trump everything else. Most Baptist churches today are sinfully indifferent concerning the integrity of the Scriptures.

By the way, I've never told anyone in my church about my online ministry. As far as I know they aren't aware of it. We've never talked about it. I've never told any church members. I didn't mention it to them because I didn't want them to treat me different than others. Obviously, some would support my ministry and others would criticize it. I didn't want to create a disturbance in my church, so I don't let my left hand know what my right hand is doing. My online ministry is for the world. That's why I was passing out books and sermons, giving them direct help as a friend. Unfortunately, the pastor who says he desires truth doesn't want too much of it. I find that to be quite common these days. Do we really want the truth?

Beware Of The Corrupt Alexandrian Bible Revisions (Somebody needs to care and get upset!)

How Bob Jones University Betrays The Holy Bible! (they have turned scholarship into a God)

The Horror Story

I attended the Wednesday night Bible study tonight at church, where I have been faithfully attending for the past year. I won't mention the name of the church, but it is a professed Independent Fundamental Baptist Church. After the service, we had prayer meeting. Then I taught some things about Daniel, Revelation and prophecy to two young men in the Navy, friends which I've made in recent months at church. After we finished talking they left. As I was leaving the auditorium the assistant pastor asked me if I'd step into the back office. I thought perhaps he was going to pray with me about something. Boy was I wrong.

To my horror, the pastor said that Dr. Jack Hyles was a cult leader (that's what the wicked said about Jesus), and that Dr. Hyles' sermons that I've been handing out on CD to other church members are a big concern. Particularly, he said that Dr. Hyle's preaching on the King James Bible was a concern. As the pastor was giving me an ultimatum, telling me to stop promoting Dr. Jack Hyles or don't come back, I thought about this truthful quote from Brother Hyles...

"The biggest split that has ever come will come in the next ten years, if not sooner, over the King James Bible - and it couldn't come soon enough for me. I'm tired of colleges and universities advertising that they 'use' the King James Bible - tell the whole story! Tell everyone that you do not believe that it is inspired word for word." Pastor Jack Hyles, from the Wednesday night Bible study titled, Revelation to Illumination (1998).

Well, now what Bible colleges like Bob Jones University (BJU) are shamefully doing is saying that the originals are inspired and those inspired words have been preserved; BUT, they don't believe that we have a perfect English Bible today. They DON'T recognize the modern corrupt Bible versions as a threat. They don't see a problem and refuse to get into the Bible issue debate. In reality, it's their passive way of doing absolutely nothing while Satan corrupts our Bible versions and infiltrates the churches. BJU pastors are hypocrites, claiming to use only the King James Bible, while also promoting the modern corrupt Bible PERversions as easier-to-understand! The bottom line is that Satan is at work corrupting the Bible, and BJU and their graduates are sitting idle on the sidelines!!!

Sadly, but respectfully, out of the words of Pastor John Wilkerson, the new pastor at First Baptist Church in Hammond, Indiana, he doesn't believe in criticizing the modern corrupt versions either, lest he offend a baby believer. Folks, we are at war over the Bible! I have nothing at all against Brother Wilkerson, but I will mention the names of anyone who publicly expresses indifference toward the satanic Bible-butchering movement! Ladies and gentleman, there is a vast chasm between the Hyles-Anderson camp and the Bob Jones camp concerning the Word of God (at least there used to be)!

Tragically, Dr. Russell Anderson has split (rightfully so) from Hyles-Anderson, because of their horrible denial of the inspiration of the King James Bible in 2008. Now they've adopted Bob Jones University's position on the Bible. It's a serious issue my friends, so serious that I just got banned from a so-called Independent Fundamental Baptist church because I teach and believe that all the modern Bible versions which came from the Westcott and Hort Greek are corrupt. They don't believe that! THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT THE INTEGRITY OF THE BIBLE!!! A picture is worth a thousand words. Take a look at this chart showing the origins of modern Bible versions. I'll talk about this matter more in a moment, but first, here's what else happened.

I had been distributing sermons to the pastor and other church members to help them. God knows my heart, that I only wanted to help people hear some really great preaching. I always bragged on my pastor (the church pastor) and quoted him often to show support for him. I prayed for him and never gossiped once, nor did I ever disagree or tell anyone that I disagreed with him. Brother Hyles taught me better than that. Dr. Hyles taught ethics. I would never deliberately cause trouble in a church, but my friends, if you stand for what is right in a neo-evangelical church, they're going to force you to make a decision. They're going to back you into a corner and force you to either sinfully compromise or stand for God. That's what happened to me tonight. I stood for God.

Then they said that they didn't want Dr. Max D. Younce's books either. They were greatly offended by Dr. Younce's book, “Martin Luther: Master of Deceit.” Despite all the documented proof showing that Mr. Luther is a massive fraud, they simply couldn't care less. They've been brainwashed by the dumbed-down, mainstream, woefully ignorant, new-evangelical crowd. It greatly offended the pastor. I gave him the book last Wednesday after the Wednesday evening prayer meeting. I was also told that “I Never Knew You” by Michael Patrick Bowen was unacceptable in their church. I was told that Dr. Jack Hyles' sermons and books are not welcome. The assistant pastor asked if he could pray with me and I refused. I told him, “I disrespect you and I certainly don't want to pray with you, and I'm going home to pray for you to get right with God!”

They hypocritically profess to want the truth. Their church theme for the next year is from 2nd Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved,” yet when I distribute truthful sermons and books to fellow church members by fundamental preachers, they tell me to stop doing it or I'm not welcome at their church. Do they really want to be approved of God? Do they really care about the truth? I mean, they are hypocritically promoting God's command to “study,” but when I hand them a book by Dr. Younce (who has done extensive study and found Martin Luther to be a master deceiver), they don't want to hear about it. Consequently, they are NOT APPROVED by God. What a shame!

They called Dr. Hyles a cult leader. The problem with the pastors of shameful churches like this is that they've read the slanderous gossip on the internet about Dr. Hyles and form their biased and unjust opinions. I'm honored to be kicked out of any apostate church who doesn't want Dr. Jack Hyles. Let me tell you something, this sissy-britches, pantywaist, pink-tea-and-lemonade, milquetoast, pansy-generation of jealous, pipsqueak, know-it-all pastors, who couldn't preach their way out of a wet paper bag, aren't worthy to shine Brother Hyles shoes!!! Let me say concerning the church who told me tonight not to come back with Brother Hyles' books and sermons... Dr. Hyles had more wisdom in one finger than they all have in their combined heads. What a bunch of knuckleheads!

I love reading Brother Hyles' books. The most horrible thing about the damage caused by Dr. Hyles' critics is not the stigma they're putting on his name; but rather, the people who will never hear his sermons or read his books because of the slander of some malicious fool that is just hateful.

Here is a powerful quote from one of Dr. Hyles' books about why people criticize fundamentalists who are soul-winners...

These enemies of soul winning love to cast reflection upon those who are obeying the Great Commission, and they have many little clichés to try to put us in a bad light. It seems to me that if they were going to fight someone, they would fight the liberals. The truth of the matter is, these pacifist Christians seem to hate fundamental soul winners far more than they hate the liberals, but, thank God, there are hundreds and hundreds of great soul-winning churches in America who are obeying God's command to take the Gospel to every creature - the halt, the maimed, the blind - to the highways, the hedges, streets and the lanes of the city, etc. May their tribe increase, and may they not be thwarted or hindered by those who like to coin phrases to be used as a shield for their indifference.

SOURCE: Lifestyle Evangelism, An Enemy of Soul Winning - By Pastor Jack Hyles

Apostasy in Our Churches

It is sad, but true, that people are leaving churches to find God. I am joyfully outside the gate tonight with Jack Hyles, Max Younce, Al Lacy, Michael Bowen, Lester Roloff, Phil Kidd and Jesus Christ. The assistant pastor said in particular they have an issue with Dr. Younce's book titled, “Martin Luther: Master of Deceit!” I gave the pastor that book last week to help him, and in turn they told me... DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THAT BOOK TO OTHERS IN OUR CHURCH, or don't come back to church anymore. I am a friend to my friends, and Brother Hyles is my friend, and so also is Pastor Younce. The assistant pastor kept pointing out that Dr. Hyles is dead, and that I shouldn't be worshipping a dead man. That fool-headed assistant pastor is an idiot.

May I say, Dr. Hyles is alive and well up in Heaven, rejoicing in the presence of the angels each time a lost sinner down here gets saved. Amen!!! Isn't it something how Pastor Hyles enemies can speak all manner of malicious evil lies against him and no one says anything; but if someone like me speaks praises about Dr. Hyles, then people go ballistic and call me an idolater. In eternity, many pastors will be utterly ashamed and weep tears of sorrow when they learn that they didn't strive lawfully. 2nd Timothy 2:5, “And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.” The biggest mistake a pastor will ever make is to follow mainstream evangelicalism. I'm sick of pastors claiming to follow the truth of God's Word, but then freak out when you hand them a book by Dr. Al Lacy exposing the NIV as the Antichrist's Bible, or freak out when you hand them Dr. Younce's book exposing Martin Luther as a fraud! Today's new-evangelical pastors say they live for the truth, but they truly DON'T!!!

I worship the Lord Jesus Christ and Him alone, but I promote Dr. Hyles' preaching and books because it is hard-core, Christian, helpful, sincere, simple to understand, and truly the best preaching that I've ever heard. Brother Hyles is not God, and we ought not substitute our time in the Bible with listening to preaching (and Brother Hyles said that himself); but only a complete idiot doesn't see the incredible value in the wealth of information, good advice, sound wisdom and the principles which made Dr. Hyles' life and ministry so great. And you'll find all of that in Brother Hyles' sermons. Although I am saddened to have lost my church family, I rejoice in knowing that I did the right thing for Christ. Pastor Bob Gray Sr. of the Longview Baptist Temple church in Longview, Texas is correct when he says that we were a lot better off when our Baptist churches were regularly having splits. How A Fundamentalist Becomes A Liberal (a red-hot MP3 sermon by Pastor Bob Gray Senior).

If you don't like Dr. Hyles, then don't listen to his sermons; but I'm going to listen to Brother Hyles' preaching until the day that I go to Heaven to give him a big hug, to help encourage me to keep fighting the good fight for the Lord. I guarantee they'd kick Billy Sunday out too! I follow Jack Hyles because he followed the Lord Jesus Christ. I heard some idiot tonight at church criticize Brother Hyles for not sharing his pulpit with other speakers. I spoke up and defended Brother Hyles, who loved his people so much that he didn't trust anybody else to take his place, knowing that they might not love his people like he does. Hey, Pastor Hyles built the church, he raised the money, it's his pulpit to preach, so what's it to you? What do you care?

I'll tell you, critics will find anything and everything to put you down! I love Brother Hyles! What is happening today is that churches are having shared pulpits, to avoid so-called personality cults where one preacher is beloved and more popular than others. What apostasy! Brother, the pastor of the church should be as popular with his people as was Elvis Presley to his fans. What's wrong with making your pastor your hero and looking up to him? I say nothing at all. It's just plain old men's egos and jealousy! I know a Baptist church a few miles away that hasn't had a pastor in 3-years, because the deacons share the pulpit and don't want to lose that power by bringing in a pastor. You know, people don't mind if kids worship immoral and selfish sports athletes; but people go insane with hateful rage if a child praises their pastor, the man of God. God sees it all.

I've also been handing out Dr. Hyles' classic sermon in booklet form, “Somebody Has To Milk The Cows.” They didn't like that either. I haven't distributed any sermons without first giving a copy to the pastor, out of respect. We'll, he didn't like the books at all, and I was told to stop giving them out or leave. Tonight was the first time I had heard about this. I was told that the books and sermons that I've been handing out are divisive, which means, “dissenting (especially dissenting with the majority opinion).” Brother, that's what Christianity is all about, that is, living godly in Christ Jesus. The Christian way has always been the narrow way. The crowd is always wrong. The majority is always deceived.

I flat out told the church senior pastor that Martin Luther taught Baptismal Regeneration until his death and the pastor still insisted that Mr. Luther was saved. What is wrong with pastors today? They've lost their minds! They're afraid to go against the common consensus, the mainstream evangelical opinion, no matter how wrong it may be. By the way, I've never once expressed any disagreement with my pastor to anyone in the church. I hate gossip and I firmly believe in standing behind the pastor. I believe in loyalty. Unfortunately, most pastors don't deserve loyal members who trust them, while being starved spiritually from a dead pulpit.

God knows that I have never tried to make my pastor or the church look bad by passing out sermons and books to help others. My only heart's intent has always been to help others grow in the Lord and see the truth. That's why books are written. The truth is that this church is apostate, totally new-evangelical, and they feel threatened by someone like me that is closer to the Lord and the truth than they are. I told the pastors that I don't see them passing out books, CD's and sermons to help anyone. Yet, they kick me out of their little church club because I'm waking people up with the truth. Honestly, this pathetic Baptist church operates like the Roman Catholic cult. They want to control the people and don't you dare bring Dr. Jack Hyles' sermons in here, especially on the King James Bible. There's no preaching on Hell. Christ's return is never mentioned. Sin is never preached against. No one ever preaches against television. They cancel Sunday evening church services on all holidays, including Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve and Easter.

They have a first-class music program, but third-class preaching (there is no preaching). When I started attending the church last year, I attended a Foundation's Class to learn about their church. The pastor said, “You can probably find better preaching elsewhere, but our music program is second to none.” What a shameful thing for any pastor to say, and I told them so tonight. Several months ago the senior pastor called me “Old School,” because I still believe that Christian ladies ought not wear pants. Most of the women in this church wear pants. In fact, Bob Jones University (BJU) permits female students to wear pants, even in church. It is wickedness!

I asked them, “Do you believe that Satan is corrupting the Bibles?” He replied, “Yes.” I said, then why don't you warn anybody, and which Bibles are corrupt?” He didn't have an answer. In fact, he didn't know much of anything, except that they didn't want to know what I knew, and they didn't want anyone else in the church to know what I know either. Real godly place huh? The most disgusting thing is that one of their favorite songs to sing on Sundays is, “Holy! Holy! Holy!” What bullcrap. Brother Hyles is so right... heresy is creeping into our Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches by the hour. In the case of this church, it is the sinking Titanic! Sadly, it's our pastors who won't tolerate sound Biblical doctrine anymore.

Our Mixed-Up Fundamental Christianity (Dr. Jack Hyles)

Beware Churches Who Support the Bible Butchers

This same Independent Baptist church a few years ago published their own parallel Bible, which basically has the faithful King James Bible text (which was translated from the Textus Receptus) on the left; and then they have the so-called easy-to-read text on the right, which comes from the satanic Westcott and Hort Greek PER-version of the Bible. The assistant pastor accused me of causing dissention in the church. In other words, they said I was leading people away from their mainstream neo-evangelical teachings. By the way, did I mention that HELL HAS FIRE, WHERE CHRIST-REJECTERS BURN FOREVER!!! You'd never know it in this dead church. I'm actually glad they kicked me out, so I can find a good church. I may have to move, but that's ok. I heard Dr. Hyles say in a sermon the other day that if you don't have a good fundamental Baptist church near you, then quit your job and MOVE! I believe it was from this MP3 sermon titled, HOW BIG IS YOUR BIBLE?

The pastor claimed that a lot of bilingual people can't understand the King James Bible, so they need a water-down, butchered, milquetoast, softer, version, instead. I told him that any Bible which removes the word “begotten” from John 3:16 is going straight into my garbage pail. I told him that I would have no qualms about burning $1,000 worth of NIV Bibles. They're corrupt. The word godhead has been completely removed from modern corrupt Bibles. Over 65,000 words have been changed or removed in the NIV as compared to the King James Bible. I think the Bible is worth fighting over. The pastor said they don't use the NIV. I said, “You're promoting the same corrupt Westcott and Hort Greek that the NIV does.”

The word “begotten” is missing from ALL modern corrupt Bibles, which are the so-called easier-to-read translations. John 1:12 calls every believer a son of God. But Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, which means Westcott and Hort's Greek is fraudulent. Most pastors are ignorant of the matter. They are blinded by their earthly wisdom. The assistant pastor said to me, “I am a Greek teacher, are you?” I replied, I don't have to be a Greek teacher to know that something is very wrong when all modern Bible versions remove the word “godhead” completely from the Bible.

I told him that it doesn't take a Greek expert to know that “begotten” belongs in John 3:16. Matthew 8:2 says a leper worshipped Jesus in the King James Bible. All modern corrupt versions change the word worship to knelt. Well, you can kneel before a king without worshipping him. Do you see what Satan is doing? Do you see how the alleged older and more reliable Alexandrian, Egypt, Bible manuscripts are forged, fraudulent, fakes? Bless God, I'll stick with the Textus Receptus from which our beloved King James Bible was translated, which came from Antioch, Syria!

I explained that they were the ones confusing church members, by using multiple versions of the Bible. When their pastors speak from the pulpit, sometimes they use the King James Bible, and then at other times they quote the Westcott and Hort text. I said, “Your church publishes Bibles that have the Textus Receptus on the left, and then Westcott and Hort's corrupted Greek texts from Alexandria, Egypt on the right. Who is confusing?”

Truthfully, I've never seen a church with staff members and Christian workers who are more frustrated because of the woeful lack of Bible doctrine. The congregation is spiritually malnourished. I listen to preaching by other preachers almost daily. And of course, I listen to the Bible. I heard all of Luke yesterday and some of John. Today I listened to all of Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and most of Song of Solomon, read by Alexander Scourby. Besides needing the preaching myself, we're not getting it at church. I've been sharing sermons via CD disk with other church members, sermons that have helped me. The pastor feels threatened by that. It's a crying shame, literally. If I were a church pastor, I would encourage my people to read all the books and listen to all the preaching possible.

What kind of religious nut doesn't want Christians handing books by fellow Baptist preachers to their congregation? I told the pastor, “What is so wrong about letting people form their own conclusions and make their own decisions.” They're behaving like a cult! The truth is that when you're not taking a stand as a pastor, then you have to stop others from taking a stand to avoid looking bad. They're not standing up for God in the the church and so they don't want me standing either. Somebody stand up for Jesus!!!

The assistant pastor became defense and asked if people still get saved using modern corrupt Bible versions. He figured I'd just say “yes” (which I didn't) and then that is supposed to make it right, but it doesn't. I answered his question differently. I let him know that someone recently tried to prove to me that Jesus isn't God based upon Philippians 2:6 in the NIV. The NIV is truly satanic. I told the assistant pastor (and listening senior pastor) that Marten Woudstra was an open homosexual on the translating committee of the Old Testament. These pastors couldn't have cared less. This is a church that runs 700 people every Sunday and has a school of 1,000 kids enrolled, and took in over $900,000 last year in the offering plates.

Let's examine the question: Do people come to Christ for salvation through the NIV? Here's a comparison between 1st Corinthians 1:18 in the King James Bible and the NIV...

KING JAMES BIBLE — “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”

NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION — “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

Do you see how the NIV perverts salvation into a process? The NIV says that believers are “being saved,” but the King James Bible says we “are saved.” The NIV supports the Calvinistic heresy of the Perseverance of the Saints. The Salvation Army teaches this heresy, and I quote:

“We believe that continuance in a state of salvation depends upon continued obedient faith in Christ.”
SOURCE: 1878 Foundation Deed Of The Salvation Army

Isn't that horribly sad? The Salvation Army believes that faith and good works are required to stay saved. My friend, salvation is a miraculous new-birth; not a lifestyle to be lived, nor a philosophy to ascribe to, nor a business, nor a culture, nor is it joining a religious organization. If I have to do anything to remain in a state of salvation, then salvation is by partial faith in Christ plus human effort. The Word of God teaches clearly that salvation is 100% by completely resting in the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, Who died and rose up for our justification.

Also, notice that the NIV in 1st Corinthians 1:18 changes the word “preaching” to the word “message.” This evil milquetoast generation hates Bible-preaching. The great need of the hour is preaching preachers. There are many faithful pastors all across America, like the new pastor of the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, Pastor John Wilkerson; but he admits that he is not a preacher. My friends, our nation's greatest need is PREACHING PREACHERS!!! We are at war with the Devil. Somebody needs to get mad at the Devil and say it like it is, and it needs to be said. Somebody needs to warn that Satan is corrupting our Bibles, as I have just showed you. The NIV changes 65,000 words as compared to the trustworthy King James Bible. The NIV is truly the Antichrist's Bible!

“The only thing you find in the middle of the road are dead skunks.”
—a quote by Dr. Curtis Hutson from the awesome sermon titled, IS THE COMING OF THE LORD NEAR?

Shameful Attitudes in Our Churches

I love Alex Jones, but I disagree with many things he says and does. Albeit, last night at church I understood why Alex gets so upset with churches and exposes them as “Satan's army.” Honestly, Alex comes closer to being right than this church that told me not to promote truthful books and sermons by faithful men of God. I'm so sick of conformity. I'm so sick of pastors cowardly going along to get along with the majority. Good night man, be the individual that God made you to be and stand!!! As I taught about coming prophetic events, and the evils of Satan's New World Order, I literally heard a church member say last night, “Well I won't be here after the Rapture, so I don't care about any of that negative stuff.” What a shameful attitude! That's what makes Alex Jones so mad, and I stand with Alex Jones 100% in his position on this matter, except Alex makes a big mistake to deny the pretribulation Rapture.

The Pretribulation Rapture is not the problem; but rather, complacent pastors who don't care about what's going on in the world. They're too busy traveling the world, visiting the Holy Land and living high-on-the-hog off the apostate church. If you give people a musical church with no hard-preaching, you'll never have to worry about money again!!! The church I've been attending took in over $900,000 last year. They have a first-class orchestra and great music program. There is no preaching, only expository sermonettes. It is sad that they don't want their congregation to know the truth. Is it possible to be too truthful concerning spiritual matters? I say no! Most pastors today decide how truthful they want to be, and no one dare go further or be excommunicated. It's wickedness!

The handful of pastors of the church I have been attending praise John MacArthur, Martin Luther, Rick Warren and other reprobate men. The bottom line is that money trumps doctrine with them! The love of money is more important to these pastors than the purity of Biblical doctrine. They believe that the blood is on the mercy seat, yet they admittedly know MacArthur teaches Christ's blood stayed in the dirt at the cross and didn't make it to the mercy seat in Heaven; yet they shirk it off as acceptable subtle differences between preachers. Do you realize how evil that is? Do you understand that John MacArthur tramples underfoot the holy blood of Jesus? I told that to the pastor tonight and he couldn't have cared less. The reason why I joined the church is because there is a spirit of love. Yet, I have learned that love without doctrinal integrity is sinful compromise. It has been an experience. I have seen firsthand, just as Ezekiel who was transported by God's spirit from Babylon to Jerusalem, the wickedness in the house of God.

The church pastor has publicly stated in the past that he deliberately tries to stay in the middle-of-the-road, so as to please the left-wing neo-evangelicals and the right-wing conservatives. I love what Pastor Curtis Hutson (1934-1995) says, “The only thing you find in the middle of the road are dead skunks.” I know as sure as I'm saved that those pastors will weep bitter tears of regret in Heaven one day, when they learn that Martin Luther is in fact burning in Hell, the NIV (New International Version) is the Antichrist's Bible, and “I Never Knew You” applies to many people on their church staff. One teacher in their Baptist Christian school told me that it's not enough to believe on Jesus to be saved. He said you must also clean-up your life of sins and turn away from the old lifestyle of sin. I heard the senior pastor on a Sunday morning teach Lordship Salvation, saying that it is not enough to admit that you are a sinner, but also, he said you must turn away from those sins and commit your life to live for Christ. That's heresy! That's why I gave him Micheal Bowen's very helpful book, “I Never Knew You.”

Nearly all Independent Baptist churches today and fundamental Bible colleges are in business, in business to make money; consequently, they're going to avoid exposing modern corrupt Bibles which would place them against mainstream evangelicalism. Jesus plainly warned, and most Christians don't take the warning very seriously, that no man can serve God and mammon (wealth). Jesus said that we would either love the one and hate the other, or vise versa.

A married man who is on staff at the church I've been attending shared with me his worry over his salvation. I comforted his heart and explained to him my own battle with assurance for 7-years as a teenager. When I had finished, he was so grateful and said, “Why don't they teach stuff like that from the pulpit.” Their people are starving for truth and they don't care. They're in their comfort zone. The pastor and his wife travel so much that he's virtually a stranger to his own pulpit. They're people are not being fed spiritually. And then sadly, when I hand out sermon CD's and books by fundamental Baptist preachers I am told to stop or leave.

I thank God day and night for all the fundamental Baptist preaching on the internet to help me live for God, because churches today like the one I've been attending just don't have it. It is a crying shame, literally, when you have to go to the internet to find preaching because your church is dead. They give their congregation spiritual milk, but those in the congregation who love the Lord and have been in good churches are craving some meat to sink their teeth into. Sadly, much of the congregation come to church for the entertainment, because they have a first-class music program with a live orchestra. Either that or their children are in the church's Christian school. Say what you will about my website, but I give my web visitors plenty of meat to have a spiritual fiesta and they love it, and so do I. I want to give my web visitors a Smorgasbord of truth!

Living Godly in Christ Jesus Brings Persecution, Even from Churches

I never thought I'd be told I wasn't welcome in an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church because I love and promote the preaching and books of faithful men of God. Did you ever stop to think that no one ever picks apart the modern corrupt Bibles? Why do preachers only correct the precious King James Bible? Why did everybody attack First Baptist Church when Brother Hyles was the pastor? It's because Satan always goes after the best. Jesus said in John 7:7, “The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.” Jesus said all attacks against a Christian are personal attacks against Himself.

Ironically, the theme (for the next year) of the church I've been attending is “Study to shew thyself approved” from 2nd Timothy 2:15. What hypocrites! What's the use of studying if you don't really want to know the truth? I mean, the pastor was greatly offended by Dr. Younce's truthful book, “Martin Luther: Master of Deceit!” They hung up a big banner in the church auditorium saying, “Study to shew thyself approved,” yet when I gave them a truthful book to help open their eyes, they told me I was not welcomed anymore. Truly, Satan is gaining much ground in our churches these days.

Then the assistant pastor tried to say that we just disagree eye-to-eye and these are merely ministerial differences. I said, “Bull crap, this is over the Bible!!!” I told him, I believe that all modern Bible versions are corrupt, and you don't. He said, “We only use the King James Bible.” I said, “That's a fork-tongued talk, because you also use your Westcott and Hort easy-to-read parallel Bible, which is corrupt.” It's a big smokescreen. Today's apostate churches want to give the impression that they stand behind the Word of God, by claiming to use the King James Bible; but at the same time they allow and promote modern corrupt versions and never say a word of criticism against them.

And furthermore, if you use the King James Bible, then prey tell me what is the problem? And why am I in this office being given an ultimatum to take Brother Hyles' sermons and books home or leave for good?” They hate Brother Hyles! The reason why is because Dr. Hyles makes most preachers feel ashamed, and rightfully so, for their arrogant pride, lackadaisical attitudes and do nothing churches. I wouldn't give you a dime for any preacher who dislikes Brother Hyles. And by the way, the hypocritical pastors who kicked me out of their church tonight are graduates of Bob Jones University (BJU) and Northland Baptist Bible College (NBBC).

I said to those pastors tonight, “If Pastor Jack Hyles is not welcomed here at this church, then neither am I, and I wouldn't want to be here.” So I went home and cried, realizing I had just lost my church family. But I know that I am doing the right thing to stand for doctrinal integrity and the purity of the Word of God. Unlike those ecumenical pastors, I am willing to lose friends, family and money to stand for the truth of God's Word! And may I say, you cannot lose a true friend. I am being their friend by telling them the truth, but they esteem the riches of this world and the praises of men more than the praises of God (John 12:43).

The assistant pastor said he taught Greek, trying to put me down, then he asked if I'm a Greek scholar. I told him, “Buddy, I heard your pastor the other day telling people on the radio to confess their sins to one another.” I said he gets that heresy from your corrupted modern Bible PER-versions. The King James Bible says to confess your faults to one another in James 5:16, never your sins. Westcott and Hort were pro-Catholic, so they promoted confessing sins to the Catholic priest.” I told him, “How does your alleged Greek expertise keep so-and-so from teaching heresy derived from a corrupt manuscript?”

You see, all of the alleged Greek experts these days don't know what they're talking about. They're like the morons arranging deck chairs on the sinking Titanic, but no one knows how to keep the ship from sinking. Likewise, all these Greek morons will debate and argue, while churches are being corrupted because a corrupt tree can only bring forth corrupt fruits. Literally, today's shameful pastors cannot see the forest for the trees. I don't care if you are the most skilled Greek scholar, you're building upon a house of sand with the corrupted Westcott and Hort Greek texts. By the way, the Jehovah's Witness' “New World Translation” perverted Bible version is translated from Westcott and Hort's Greek work. You must understand that all modern Bible PERversions come from a completely different Greek source than the beloved King James Bible does. That's the issue!

No Preaching On Hell, the Second Coming or Sin

I told the pastors that in the past year at their church, I haven't heard even one mention of Hell from the church pulpit. He said, we teach doctrine in our schools. I said, “No, I mean preaching about Hell from the church pulpit, warning unbelievers that if they don't get saved, they'll burn forever and ever.” I told him that I know of Jehovah's Witnesses (JW's) who enroll their kids in their Christian school. JW's don't believe in a literal Hell. They need to know about Hell. The church doesn't want to offend members by preaching on the subject of Hell, fire and damnation. What bullcrap! I asked him why they don't preach on Hell and all he did was shirk his shoulders. Shame! I told the pastors that the reason why their baptistry is used only once every 6 months to dunk two people is because the pulpit lacks the kind of preaching that produces repentance (excellent truth by Dr. Harry Ironside).

I've never heard anyone in the church pulpit talk about the necessity to seek the power of the Holy Spirit. Thus, the church congregation doesn't seek the Holy Spirit's power. I've never heard anyone in the church address the Holy Spirit as a person, but He certainly is. Do you know the Holy Spirit? If you are saved, He indwells your body (1st Corinthians 3:16-17; Romans 8:9). I highly recommend that every Christian read the wonderful Bible study by Brother Hyles in his excellent book, “MEET THE HOLY SPIRIT.”

I told them that their church alters are always empty because of the lame expository-type of mumbo-jumbo sermonettes that put people to sleep. I would be embarrassed to invite folks to church to sit there and be entertained without hearing any preaching. Literally, children play video games while the pastor is giving his expository sermonette, and the children's parents are surfing the internet in church. One guy's computer pad was reflecting the ceiling lights and glaring in my eyes. This is during church! I plainly said to the pastors, “This church is a joke!” I said, “You've got a big Christian school, and a first-class music program, but this church is a joke!” When people sing solos in the church or play a musical instrument, the congregation bursts forth with applause and clapping. I never clap, because church is not supposed to be a place of entertainment. When entertainment becomes God, then God has to become entertaining to be worshipped. Church is not even a place of worship, which is what most people errantly think these days. Please read, “The Purpose Of Going To Church” (by Dr. Jack Hyles).

Up until now I hadn't told a soul in the church about any of this stuff, because it's not my place to judge. But I did bathe the church in prayer and ask for God's Spirit to work in the pastor's heart. I have given dozens of books to the church pastoral staff to help them grow in the Lord. This is what we are supposed to do, that is, love, encourage, support and pray for our pastors. When I first started attending this Independent Fundamental Baptist Church, I was saddened after hearing the senior pastor teach Lordship Salvation from the pulpit. He plainly said that you cannot be saved by merely admitting that you are a sinner. He said that you must also decide not to live that way anymore, you must turn away from those sinful lifestyles and commit to live for the Lord, or else God won't save you because you're not ready. I went home and cried, feeling like I don't think I could stay in this church any longer.

So to help remedy the problem I gave my pastor the book titled, “I Never Knew You,” which is superbly written, by Michael Patrick Bowen. That was several months ago and I haven't heard the senior pastor (whom I gave it to), teach Lordship Salvation since. I sincerely believe that the book has helped him, but am not sure. I was surprised tonight to find out that they are really upset about the books by Dr. Younce, Al Lacy and Michael Patrick Bowens, and the sermons by Jack Hyles. It is sad that heresy has crept into our churches so much. The church also teaches the Young Earth Creation heresy and supports Ken Ham's heresy. I gave some materials on Old Earth Creationism to the pastors, but that was the end of it.

One Sunday night (several months ago) after church the pastor's son-in-law invited me over for dinner the next day on Monday. I heartily agreed and was looking forward to it. I then gave him a copy of Michael P. Bowen's excellent book “I Never Knew You (The Horror Of The Great White Throne Of Judgment And How You Can Avoid It).” The next day I waited and waited and waited, and the pastor's son-in-law never showed up. He just blew me off like I was a Jehovah's Witness or some cult member. Obviously the book greatly offended him. He never apologized or explained to me what happened. I also gave a copy of the book to the pastor, but he never commented or thanked me for the book. They hate the book because it exposes their mentors Rick Warren, Billy Graham, Ray Comfort and others. Did I mention that they cancel Sunday evening church on all secular holidays?

Only Ungodly Men and Women Call Jack Hyles a Cult

Why is it that the heathen world can idolize fools like Elvis Presley, Justin Bieber and Katy Perry, and that's acceptable; but then when I love and promote Dr. Hyles, I am accused of worshipping a man? What is wrong with people? The only difference between my critics and me is that we have different heroes. The heathen world has tattoos of their heroes and that's considered normal, but I am criticized for promoting sermons by my favorite pastors. The only difference between me and my critics is that I have godly heroes and they idolize evil people. Don't let anyone tell you that it is wrong for Christians to have heroes! I'm tired of our youth being given kooks, quacks and queers as their heroes. Bless God, my heroes are Bible-believing preachers!

They called Jack Hyles a cult at my church tonight, and said that “Jack Hyles is dead and so should be his teachings.” That's exactly what the assistant pastor told me with the pastor sitting right there around the corner. He said the Bible is our doctrine, not Dr. Hyles. What an idiot! I don't think Dr. Hyles is my doctrine. Any moron knows that Dr. Hyles is not our authority; but rather, he preaches with authority from an authoritative Book authored by an authoritative God. I like Dr. Hyles books because he was a gifted writer. Brother Hyles turned the Christian life into a science, simplifying the Bible. Have you ever listened to some minister talk for an hour and you were frustrated because there was no substance to sink your teeth into? Sure you have, if you listen to sermons. Well, Dr. Hyles was a porcupine preacher so you got the point! 

They again said that Dr. Hyles is dead. I said, “Dr. Hyles is not dead.” Then he smart-alecky asked, “He's not dead?” I said that Dr. Hyles was alive in Heaven, and his books and teachings live on still today. Hey, Martin Luther's been dead for over 400 years, so why do you guys continually promote him? Then he accused me of “worshipping Dr. Hyles.” I really think these immature men are green with bitter envy and jealousy, totally lacking wisdom on the matter. I was ashamed to even know them tonight. I had never seen this ugly side of them. Honestly, you just never know who somebody is until you start giving them Dr. Hyles CD's with sermons and books. They totally freaked out! These arrogant ministers who dare call themselves pastors will not tolerate sound doctrine in THEIR church (it's certainly not God's church). The Bible warned us 2nd Timothy 4:3, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.”

Is it Brother Hyles' fault that he was such an awesome preacher and so many people adored him and were loyal to him? Of course not. People call Dr. Hyles' ministry a cult because they've either read that crap on the internet (and are unjust to believe gossip), or else they are jealous of his massive success and choose to be malicious, or both. Jesus Himself fully knew how ungrateful people can be. The Lord healed ten lepers and only one returned to thank Him. Over one million people walked an isle to receive Christ as their Savior, either in Dr. Hyles' pastorates or in churches pastored by his preacher boys. If that's a cult brother, count me in! The truth is that Dr. Hyles' life's work was the admirable fulfillment of the purpose of the New Testament Church, which is to carry out The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

The Apostate Growing Religious Business

I love Evangelist Phil Kidd, who teaches that many churches are swelling instead of growing. A dead corpse swells as it rots. Many of our large churches are increasing in size, but it's not because they are growing; but rather, it is because they are dead within and are a rotting corpse attracting worldly members and the rot of the world. The BJU pastor told me in defense of himself that they use the King James Bible, yet at the same time he's telling me that I am not welcomed anymore in their church if I hand out Dr. Al Lacy's awesome book, “NIV: The Antichrist's Bible.” I told that shameful pastor that I felt like Nathan the prophet, sent by God to rebuke them for dropping the ball. I told him that. I also told him that in eternity on judgment day they would never be able to say that they weren't aware of these issues, because I believe God led me to open their eyes. I sincerely believe that God brought me to that church as a testimony against them on judgment day.

Do you see how hypocritical pastors are becoming? It's total sinful compromise, plain and simple! They want to appear to believe the Bible, while at the same time not being willing to fight for it's purity. This is the lukewarm attitude of believers that makes God vomit in Revelation 3:15-16. IT MAKES GOD VOMIT!!! What these cowardly pastors are doing is following mainstream apostate evangelicalism in America. They're afraid to veer too far from the mainstream professed “Christian” religious movement. Taking a stand has never been popular. Dr. Hyles and Brother Roloff were voted out of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) in their early ministries. They were outside the gate with Jesus. Any preacher worth his salt has been kicked out of something. This is not the first time that I've been kicked out of a ministry because of my King James Bible Only position, and if the Lord let's me live I'm sure it won't be the last. I rejoice because it means that I'm doing something right. It's just tragic that the persecution godly Christians are facing nowadays is coming from the churches!!!

Can you imagine... independent Baptist preachers who don't preach, who claim to be fundamental but they're not, who don't mention Hell, don't mention the Second Coming, don't preach against sin... all they do is look righteous in their white suits, hobnob with the business community, and sit idle for God as far as soul-winning is concerned. They baptize 2 people as a formality every 6 month. What a sad joke! They wouldn't let me 10-feet near their church pulpit, because I would let-er-rip. It is sickening what Bob Jones PERversity and Moody Bible SINstitute have done to our nation's churches.

I also told them that I hadn't heard even one sermon or mention from the pulpit about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in nearly a year. I mentioned that no one ever preaches against sin from the pulpit. They couldn't have cared less. The 300-lb assistant pastor simply smirked, folded his arms, and sat back in his chair all smug. I said, “Do you realize that you guys have to stand before God one day and give account for the things you say, do and promote?” They couldn't have cared less. They think Martin Luther is born-again, despite plain evidence to the contrary. They think it doesn't matter which Bible version people use. They agree with Lordship Salvation. They have no problem with John MacArthur teaching that Jesus' precious blood never made it to the mercy seat in Heaven. They have no burning compulsion to preach on Hell fire. Sadly, they are in the business of religion, and it pays well!

I told the pastors that I was sincerely just trying to help people by sharing recent sermons that I had heard. They hated Dr. Max D. Younce's book titled, “Martin Luther: Master of Deceit.” I personally handed a copy to the senior pastor last Wednesday evening. He read the book's cover title out loud. I kindly replied that Luther taught Baptismal Regeneration and Sacramental Salvation until the day that he died and sadly went to Hell. The senior pastor then said, “Martin Luther was born-again!” I stayed quiet and put my head down, realizing that the senior pastor needs to read the book. After reading the book, they warned me not to give out any more copies in the church (I've been giving out copies on CD). I prayed all week for God to work in my pastor's heart, to show him the truth. Dr. Younce does a brilliant job supporting all his claims and documents everything. I highly recommend his books.

My goal has always been to help Christian workers and laymen become aware of issues that they likely were not aware of. Instead of thanking me and reading the books, I was shunned and told I am not welcomed unless I cease and desist from propagating the truth. I could never stay in a corrupt manmade church like that for another second. I could never respect a pastor who chooses to live a lie and keep his congregation in the dark concerning the truth. They are in fact “not approved” by God, because they reject the truth. They praise heretic John MacArthur. They teach the false plan of salvation of Lordship Salvation. They have substituted entertainment for the power of God.

I didn't hear the word “soul-winning” mentioned even once in the year I attending this independent Baptist church. They don't teach personal soul-winning. The church has no scheduled times to meet and go soul-winning. There is no organized soul-winning. But they have a great teen orchestra. They have paint-ball competition for their teens. They have jet-skiing for their teens. But sadly, there's no soul-winning club. Their youth department not too long ago performed Walt Disney musical themes like Aladdin and The Lion King for the church congregation. Walt Disney is of the Devil! Walt Disney promotes homosexuality and is a sexually perverse group. See, Walt Disney Sleaze.

The Independent Baptist church hosts their own radio station and openly promotes Harry Potter's witchcraft. I heard the associate pastor this week, while interviewing one of their students-of-the-week on the radio, ask her if she had read the Harry Potter series and she affirmed that she had. Shame! Instead of protecting our children from satanic influence, our Baptist churches are helping Satan. No wonder two-thirds of their 1,000 students are admittedly not born-again Christians!!!

Outside the Camp with Jesus, Our Scapegoat

I am outside the gate with Jesus, our Scapegoat. What is a “scapegoat” in the Bible. Dr. Hyles states...

A “scapegoat” is someone who is punished for the wrong of others. A scapegoat takes the blame for someone else. Jesus is our scapegoat. The Lord was completely innocent, yet He suffered as an evildoer in our place on the cross.

As we learn in our text verses above, God instructed the Old Testament Levite priests to take two goats. The first one was to be slain, representing the slain Lamb of God. The second was to be led outside the gate and released into the wilderness, which represents Christ's innocence, Who joyfully became our scapegoat because He loves us.

Just as Christ was rejected and crucified outside the city gate, even so will we also be rejected and persecuted by the world if we identify with the risen Christ (John 15:19; 2nd Timothy 3:12). Thank God for Jesus' sacrifice for our sins!!!

Jesus was punished for our sins, and as such He became our scapegoat, bearing our reproach of sin. Thank you Lord Jesus!!! Dr. Hyles tells about the time when several millionaires in his church stood up to him and gave him an ultimatum. They demanded, either the poor buskids go or we go and we'll go and take our millions-of-dollars with us.

Invitations to speak at civic clubs ceased. Dinner engagements with the elite were stopped, and suddenly I found myself outside the gate, rejected by the self-styled elite, affluent and scholarly of the area. There I was with the bus kids, the poor, the halt, the maimed and the blind. I was lonely I did not want to love and be considered unloving. I did not want to be considered unscholarly and uncouth. It was dark. It was lonely. Then suddenly I heard a Voice say, "Welcome." I looked up to see Whose voice was speaking. I saw nail prints in His hands and feet. I heard Him say, "Welcome. I am glad you have come outside the camp to Me." Suddenly I realized that Jesus was already outside the camp and that He was just as unpopular with that elite crowd as I was. Ah, how sweet the fellowship! How wonderful was His presence! I was outside the camp WITH HIM! What a bargain! What a deal! What a Saviour!


Tonight I was put outside the gate where Jesus is, Who because the scapegoat for our sins.

Pastor Jack Hyles all too well knew the pain of church splits, losing members, and being put outside the gate with the scapegoat (Jesus). When several millionaires gave Brother Hyles an ultimatum to get rid of the buskids or they'd leave with their money, Dr. Hyles chose the buskids. Amen! JACK HYLES CHOSE THE POOR BUSKIDS!!! That's why I love Brother Hyles so much!!!

...suddenly I found myself outside the gate, rejected by the self-styled elite, affluent and scholarly of the area. There I was with the bus kids, the poor, the halt, the maimed and the blind. I was lonely I did not want to love and be considered unloving. I did not want to be considered unscholarly and uncouth. It was dark. It was lonely.


I was kicked out of church tonight because they made an ultimatum that I either stop sharing books and sermons by Jack Hyles with others or don't come back. They said, Pastor Max Younce's books and sermons are not welcomed here! We won't tolerate the sound doctrine of Michael P. Bowen. We won't let you share Dr. Al Lacy's books and sermons with our church congregation, we own them! Talk about a manmade cult. Who's the cult? They told me not to bring Dr. Max D. Younce's book on “Martin Luther: Master of Deceit” back either, or else you're not welcomed anymore. They said not to bring, “I Never Knew You” by Michael Patrick Bowen back or we don't want you around us, and you're not welcome in your church family. The simple fact of the matter is that I have been forbidden to bring these (what they call divisive) truths into the church congregation, which means I too am outside the gate with Jesus.

How can they dare call Dr. Hyles' ministry “a cult,” when they are behaving exactly like the cults? I told the pastor that they are acting like Seventh Day Adventists, by not being upfront with people about the truth. They draw people into their manmade church with love, but then they keep them by providing first-class entertainment, not preaching hard against sin, not stepping on any toes or permitting members like me from sharing the truth with other members. I plainly told the pastor that what I distribute to other people is my business from one adult to another, and they had no say in the matter. Yet, it is THEIR church, so I have been forced to make a decision that I wish I didn't have to make. If Pastor Younce's doctrinally correct books and sermons are not welcomed, then I'm not welcomed either! If Dr. Jack Hyles is disrespected and banned, then so am I. I am a friend to my friends; but moreover, these men whose sermons and books I promote are Biblical accurate and correct, which is why I stand with them. Brother Hyles is still alive in Heaven, and I will defend him when someone attacks and criticizes him. That's not worship, that's friendship.

I wept uncontrollably when I got home tonight, having lost my church family over befriending my friend Dr. Jack Hyles, and I'd do it again a thousand times if I have to. I lost my church family tonight over contending for the faith, by exposing the modern corrupt Bible versions. It is a worthy fight. I will be a friend to my friends, especially to my Friend Who sticketh closer than a brother, the Lord Jesus Christ. If any books or sermons by Pastor Max D. Younce are not welcomed in a church, then I'm leaving too. I choose to be outside the gate with Max Younce, Jack Hyles, Michael Patrick Bowen and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Brother Hyles was given an ultimatum by several wealthy families, millionaires, in his church. They said, either those bus kids go or we do! Pastor Hyles grew up in The Great Depression and he knew poverty well. Dr. Hyles didn't eat an egg, have his own shoes, see a flushable toilet, or eat a hamburger until he was 15 years old. Brother Hyles told those snobby millionaires, I'LL TAKE THE BUS KIDS!!! I'll take the buskids too! I'LL TAKE THE BUSKIDS!!! I'LL TAKE THE POOR, THE MAIMED, THE TIRED, THE IN DEBT, THE LONELY, THE OUTCASTS, THE BEREAVED, THE HURTING, THE LOSERS... because that's where you'll find Jesus and me... outside the camp!

Look How Modern PERversions Require Changing Your Life (Manmade Repentance) 2B Saved

Outside The Gate With Jesus (Dr. Hyles, “Jesus has been outside the camp all the time!!!”)

Ye Must Be Born Again!